GTC Admin
19 Nov 2023
Dear Members
Due to the heavy rain that we have seen over the last 12 months, it has become apparent that the Club needs to consider replacing the court surfaces.
This will be an expensive exercise for the Club and we are very keen to undertake a detailed due diligence on when this needs to be done, who we will engage to undertake the work and ultimately how we can pay for it.
We feel the best way to undertake this due diligence is to form a ‘Working Group’ to manage this process and provide feedback to the Committee.
Ideally, we would like this Working Group to be made up of some committee members and general club members that may have relevant experience in such a project.
Relevant experience could include being involved in the construction business, having project management experience, being involved in similar projects (perhaps at another club) or any other skill-set that could be useful.
If you think that you have any such experience and are keen to help support the club in this project, please send an email to admin@gladstonetennis.co.nz expressing your interest in joining this Working Group.
Please feel free to reach out to me if you would like to ask any questions on this prior to expressing your interest in this Working Group.
Kind regards
Club President
022 4066 487