GTC Team
17 Oct 2022
Regular Events
From this Monday 17 October our new Summer schedule gets underway for our junior and senior members. Some of the changes to the schedule include:
- All Senior Tennisfit starts this week (but note that there will be no group classes on Labour Day next Monday)
- Free Saturday Tennis for Juniors will start the following Saturday, 29 October (more info below).
- Junior Pizza Nights are back! With kids on court, and parents making the most of the Clubhouse bar, Pizza Night will recommence from next Friday, 28 October.
- Friday evenings have a weekly private booking from 7pm-9pm so please note that the courts are not available to members at this time.
Aces & Aperols Club Night
Our super-charged Club Nights are set to continue on the first Wednesday of every month during the summer.
The next one is scheduled for Wednesday 2 November - come and join us for a big night of mixed doubles, music, and some well-earned refreshments. Register in advance by text to Martin: 0221858816.
Junior Coaching
Term 4 means our regular Summer activities get underway for our Junior Members.
Saturday Coaching (FREE)
Free Saturday coaching for junior members starts Saturday 29 October9-10am*
(Beginners 4yrs-9yrs)10-11am
(Progressives 7yrs +)
*Our 9am lesson is predominantly reserved for beginners (age not important) so if your child has a few skills under their belt they may be more suited to the 10am class. Check with Martin to be sure!
Term 4 After-School Coaching (ADDITIONAL FEES APPLY)
Monday & Wednesday after-school coaching will resume Monday 17 October.
Beginners: 4:00pm-5:00pm (6-9yrs)
Intermediate: 5:00pm-6:00pm (10+ yrs)
Red Ball: 3:30pm (4-5yrs)
Beginners: 4-5pm (6-9yrs)
5-6pm (10+ yrs)
Please sign up for after-school coaching on the BOUNX app in advance of your first lesson (set-up instructions can be found here)
Friday Pizza Night
Pizza Nights are back! Every Friday through the Summer school terms, kids* can come and play tennis and eat pizza for $15pp from 5pm-7pm. Parents are welcome too! See you there for our first one Friday 28 October. *Only for Junior GTC members.
Senior Interclub
Calling all Spectators for Senior Interclub Saturdays!
Come and support our Gladstone Senior Interclub Teams while they battle it out for at last home matches of 2022...bar is OPEN :)
Saturday 29 Oct 12pm: First Grade Men's Team vs Parnell (1,2)
Saturday 29 Oct 2pm: Mixed Four vs Pompallier (3,4)
Saturday 5 Nov 12pm: Second Grade Men vs Kohimarama (1,2)
Saturday 12 Nov 12pm: First Grade Men vs Mission Bay (1,2)
Saturday 12 Nov 12pm: Open Grade Men vs Blockhouse Bay (3,4)
Saturday 19 Nov 12pm: Second Grade Men vs Herne Bay (1,2)